is a site that provide a service of back-ing up your blogs.
BlogBackupOnline support a lot of famous blog platform such as Blogger,
Wordpress, Typepad, Friendster, LiveJournal, Serendipity, Windows Live
Space, Movable Type, Terapad and even Vox. This service is free for your
first 50MB data. From my experience, It's actually a lot of space for a
private blog.
Back up is about restore. One of their
cool service is that they can restore our blog's data, in case
something's happen and we lost our data. You just simplyenter the
Restore menu, enter the address, then follow the instruction. That's
it.The blog will return to the previous one it last backed up. Btw, Once
you sign up,BlogBackupOnline will automaticly back-up your data daily.
Really usefull i guess?!!
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